Build Personal Blog with Hugo


Hugo, blog

Install Hugo

Install the latest version from Hugo Github releases page. E.g. download the *.deb file and install by dpkg -i *.deb.

Or use the official installation Guide (not recommended)

Step 1: Create the Required Repositories

On GitHub, create two repositories, both with the Add a README file option selected:

  • Blog source file repository: Store web source files used to generate the blog site (e.g., name it blog-resources).
  • Pages repository: Used to store the generated web files and can be accessed via a URL (name it <username>, where <username> is your GitHub account name. Official Documentation)

Step 2: Create Blog Files Using Hugo Commands

Using blog-resources as an example for the source file repository name:

  1. Clone blog-resources to your local machine.
  2. Navigate to the blog-resources directory and use the Hugo command to create the overall website file structure: hugo new site <blog-name>, replacing <blog-name> with your desired name, e.g., woods-blog.
  3. The repository`s file structure and their main purposes at this stage are as follows:
     1โ”œโ”€โ”€           # Automatically added README when creating the repo
     2โ””โ”€โ”€ woods-blog          # Blog folder name, matching what was created using Hugo in the previous step
     3    โ”œโ”€โ”€ archetypes
     4    โ”œโ”€โ”€ config.toml     # Custom configuration file for the blog site, to be edited further
     5    โ”œโ”€โ”€ content         # Blog content folder, where blog documents, images, etc., are stored
     6    โ”œโ”€โ”€ data
     7    โ”œโ”€โ”€ layouts
     8    โ”œโ”€โ”€ resources
     9    โ”œโ”€โ”€ static
    10    โ””โ”€โ”€ themes          # Themes folder, to install Hugo themes further

Step 3: Add Theme Files and Configure

  1. Browse Hugo themes and choose a theme.
  2. Theme introductions typically provide installation instructions; you can follow those. However, I have encountered errors when installing some themes. Here, I`ll introduce the theme I chose, Mainroad, for reference.
  3. Navigate to the blog file path blog-resources/woods-blog and add the theme files using git submodule like this:
    1git submodule add themes/mainroad
  4. If added successfully, the blog-resources/woods-blog/themes directory will contain the theme named Mainroad:
    1โ””โ”€โ”€ themes
    2   โ””โ”€โ”€ Mainroad # The name of the installed theme
  5. In blog-resources/woods-blog/themes/Mainroad/exampleSite, copy the content and static folders and the config.toml file to blog-resources/woods-blog, overwriting existing files.
  6. Configure the blog-resources/woods-blog/config.toml file. Key items to check include:
    1# Ensure the URL is the URL of the Pages repository you created, with a trailing slash
    2baseurl = "https://<username>"
    3#The theme is the name of the installed theme
    4theme = "mainroad"

Step 4: Test the Blog and Publish as HTML

  1. Start the Hugo server: hugo server and preview the blog theme at http://localhost:1313/.
  2. To add blog documents, you can create new .md documents in blog-resources/woods-blog/content for testing. The Hugo server updates in real-time for preview.
  3. Publish the blog as HTML web pages by running hugo in the blog-resources/woods-blog/ directory.
  4. If the publishing is successful, a public folder will be added in blog-resources/woods-blog/ to store the HTML web page files.

Step 5: Push HTML Files to the Pages Repository

  1. Go to the blog-resources/woods-blog/public directory and set it as a Pages repository:

    1# Initialize a new Git repository
    2git init
    3# Create the main branch
    4git checkout -b `main`
    5# Add the SSH of the Pages repository to your local repository
    6git remote add origin<username>/<username>
  2. Push the local files to the repository:

    1# Synchronize local and remote commits
    2git pull --rebase origin main
    3# Add all local changes
    4git add .
    5# Commit with relevant description
    6git commit -m "commit information, e.g., add blog template"
    7# Push to the remote repository
    8git push origin main
  3. Enter the URL in your browser to view the blog at https://<username>, which may take a few minutes to become accessible.

Next Steps

Push the blog-resources repository to GitHub.


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